Mar 2015
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Advanced PM Courses

21 Mar 2015 (Sat)
Creating Winning Presentations

Miles Au Yeung  4 PDU


14, 21, 28 March 2015 (Sat)
King-Lam Ying 
22.5 PDU

Download PMI-ACP registration form

FastTrack PMP®

7, 14, 21, 28 Mar 2015 (Sat)
FastTrack PMP
Kevin Chui 
36 hours

Download FTPMP registration form

Contact Katie at 2287-5190 or for more information.

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Knowledge Century Limited is a Global Education Provider of PMI since 2004

FINAL CALL! Creating Winning Presentations: The Art of Making Impactful Charts (21 Mar 2015)

Instructor: Mr. Miles Au Yeung
PDU: 4

Learn from a former consultant of McKinsey and big-four consutling firms on making powerful visual charts. Look at the following three charts created from the same set of data:

Chart 1
Chart 2
Chart 3

Do you see the power of an impactful chart?

A project manager makes presentations regularly to report progress and issues, share analyses, or seek decision and approvals. The materials you prepare will help the attendees grasp the situations, assess options and reach conclusion quickly, if the materials convey the information and messages in a focus and cohesive manner.

In this workshop you will learn the rules and techniques of making visual charts which can be understood by your audience within a minute, focus your audience to the right points and deliver your messages clearly and concisely.

Mr. Miles Au Yeung, a former management consultant of McKinsey and other big four firms, will share the secrets of creating winning presentations.

Participants are welcome to submit their presentation charts to be included in the workshop for discussion.

Register early to enjoy the early bird discount. Download the course outline and registration form below:

Creating Winning Presentations

Contact Katie at 2287-5190 or for more information.

PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (14, 21, 28 Mar 2015)

Instructor: King-Lam Ying
Hours/PDU: 22.5

AGILE have been well-established, at the global level, as a mature application development framework and have received growing acceptance in the APAC region. PMI® has introduced the PMI-ACP certification to support this movement. As of 31 Jul 2014, there are more than 6,000 PMI-ACP around the world, and the number is climbing up fast.

This course's objective is to introduce the audience to AGILE with a structure that aligns to the PMI-ACP examination, and provide the 22.5 training hours required for the PMI-ACP registration. This course uses SCRUM methodology to illustrate the AGILE framework since the majority of the AGILE projects was implemented using SCRUM.

The key differentiator of this training from courses offered by other providers is that the body of knowledge will be illustrated by real-life tools and scenarios based on instructor's working experience in multi-year regional projects. There will be group discussions and exercises throughout the workshop for participants to apply skills and techniques to simulated project environment. As a result, the audience will gain a more solid understanding of the AGILE approach.

Classes for the past two years received excellent rating (4.5 out of 5) and feedback from participants. Comments include:
"Exercises are good for understanding the Agile concept."
"The materials are sufficient. The exercises helped us experience the practical aspects of the topic. The speaker encouraged discusssion to study the topic in depth."
"Practices are very good tools to illustrate the key theme."

Register early to enjoy the early bird discount and present. Download PMI-ACP course outline / registration form

FastTrack PMP (7, 14, 21, 28 Mar 2015)

Instructor: Kevin Chui
Hours: 36

This is our flagship course that consistently received very high rating from the participants. We started offering this course in 2003 and have delivered close to 150 public and corporate PMP classes over the past decade.

Workshop participants have enjoyed an extremely high rate of passing the PMP® exam - on their first attempt. Different from other exam prep courses, we also equip participants with skills and techniques for managing real-life projects.

By taking this 36-hour course, you will meet the education requirement of the PMP® credential.

Download FTPMP course outline / registration form

Contact Katie at 2287-5190 or for more information.

PMI, PMP, PMI-RMP, PMI-ACP, PMBOK and the PMI Registered Provider logo are registered marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.
Copyright © 2015 Knowledge Century Limited. All rights reserved.